high performance processing frameworks of interconnectable DSP modules
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 Cqx::listen< const char * >
 Cqx::outOut declares a nodes output
 Cqx::listen< int32_t >
 Cqx::linkLink defines a nodes input
 Cqx::listen< node::container >
 Cqx::listen< std::string >
 Cqx::nodeBase clase - abstracts from value inheritance
 Cqx::quarx< node * >
 Cqx::linkLink defines a nodes input
 Cqx::quarx< node::container >
 Cqx::pulsePulse generator
 Cqx::sawSaw tooth generator
 Cqx::firDownsampling fir
 Cqx::stashHeadless container (hidden, (stashed) size information)
 Cqx::quarx< value_t >Generic quarx node
 Cqx::buffer< int32_t >
 Cqx::global< int32_t >
 Cqx::outOut declares a nodes output
 Cqx::buffer< value_t >Buffer node
 Cqx::local< double >
 Cqx::global< value_t >
 Cqx::local< value_t >
 Cqx::listen< uint32_t >
 Cqx::native< real_t >Native quarx processing
 Cqx::obey< node::container >
 Cqx::promoted< const char * >
 Cqx::promoted< float * >
 Cqx::promoted< qx::native::buffer_t >
 Cqx::promoted< size_t >
 Cqx::attribute< value_t >
 Cqx::listen< value_t >
 Cqx::native< real_t >::buffer_t
 Cqx::native< real_t >::proxyInternal processing proxy
 Cqx::obey< value_t >
 Cqx::promoted< value_t >Listener base class
 Cqx::quarx< node * >
 Cqx::quarx< node::container >
 Cqx::quarx< value_t >Generic quarx node
 Cqx::vizGraphviz front end
 Cqx::factory::pair< node_t >

(c) copyright 2009 dynamic acoustics e.U. generated on Fri Dec 17 2021

a closed source license may be obtained by requesting a written permission from dynamic acoustics e.U.
however - governmental use generally and military use especially is strictly prohibited though.